Here are a couple that address shyness and social development in connection with porn use: Streaming Internet porn is a fairly new phenomenon, no porn-virgin control groups are possible, and few studies have even asked about social anxiety and porn use. No one knows what percentage of those with SAD have porn use as a contributing factor because no researchers have studied what happens to social anxiety when guys quit porn for a few months. We are not saying that Internet porn is the primary cause of social anxiety or depression in young men. See for example: I’m still myself but I’m free of the shackles we call social phobia. Since we wrote our first article raising the possibility of a link between social anxiety and heavy Internet porn use, recovering porn users continue to report a reduction in social anxiety as one of the most common improvements when they stop using Internet porn. Is too much porn the cause? It may well be. It was like driving a Ferrari and being stuck in 1st gear. I had all of these skills, but I couldn’t use them. More knowledgeable, funnier, more socially intelligent. Smartphone Addiction May Make You Depressed, Study Warns.

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A PDF with many accounts of social anxiety improving after quitting porn.As of 2021 over 90 studies link porn use to poorer mental-emotional health & poorer cognitive outcomes.Is porn making my social anxiety/confidence/depression/anxiety/OCD/bipolar worse? Scroll down for a sample of the many stories we have heard.