It is possible that he is staying for free, but only if he does what she says (such as mowing the lawn or renovating the house).It is unknown if she collects rent payment from Bean, as she is never seen doing so in the series.Her voice is notably less gruff and masculine in later seasons, often more composed in tone, likely fitting with her kinder personality.When walking, she is almost always seen with her cane.Her surname is a pun on the word, wicked, which fits her personality.A running gag of hers involve slamming doors open or shut, causing a nearby flower pot or picture frame to fall and break.Unlike the first three seasons which she has a low, grumpier tone, her voice is now in high-pitched tone. Bean but still meaner to him whenever he does not do her given errands assign to him. Wicket has a friendlier approach with Mr. Wicket has a right of evicting Bean from the apartment.

In Seasons 1 to 3, she is bossy towards Bean and sometimes makes Bean as a slave (as seen in " A Royal Makeover") and a messenger (as seen in " Super Trolley"). Wicket is antagonistic, grumpy, hot-headed, nice and unhappy towards Bean but she loves her pet Scrapper and dislikes dogs. She first debuted in Bean's Bounty (although she appeared in the intro since In The Wild), Her most recent appearance was in Trophy Bean. She cares for Scrapper very much and gets very angry if she sees Bean (or anyone else) attacking him. She owns an evil one-eyed cat, Scrapper, whom Bean gave away when he was young. However, Bean is always allowed to move back to his apartment by the next episode. If angered enough, she will even evict him from the apartment, as seen in Homeless, Dead Cat and The Fly, the first of which is the main plot point of that episode. She is very short-tempered, and will yell and hit Bean (usually with her cane) if agitated. Bean because he ruined her wedding when he was a kid, but nevertheless allows him to stay at the upstairs apartment she owns. Since Season 4, she has warmed up a little, but is still quite bitter when annoyed enough. She is portrayed as a hot-headed, bossy, greedy, selfish, grumpy, unhappy, overweight old woman. Wicket is a main character, main antagonist, and the deuteragonist of the animated series, especially in the first three seasons.